Payment is taken from your credit card when it is approved by your financial institution and then we accept your order. In the event that the credit card is not approved or has expired we will be unable to take payment and fulfil your order. Payment methods like Paypal eCheck take longer to process, funds can take between 3 to 5 days to clear and your order will be queued in our system. Your order will only be accepted and processed when payment is received. We do not hold or allocate any stock for queued orders, so the product/s ordered could become out of stock in the time between your purchase and payment being received. If stock is not available, we will contact you to provide you with a full refund within 30 days.
In the event that we are then unable to supply the goods we will inform you as soon as possible. If you have already paid for goods we will provide you with a full refund within 30 days.
We make every effort to ensure that the price displayed on our website is correct at the time of you placing your order.
However if an error is discovered in the price of the goods that you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible, and you will be given the opportunity to re-order at the correct price. We shall be under no obligation to fulfil an order for a product, which was advertised at an incorrect price. If the item(s) has been charged and not dispatched we will cancel and refund your order.
Title in the products which you have ordered on this website will pass to you on delivery assuming that we have received payment in full for such products.
You will receive an invoice by email once payment in respect of your Order has been processed.
Oikos Outlet uses an encrypted payment gateway and security certificate to secure payments. Whilst we take all reasonable precautions, we cannot guarantee the security of any transaction.